I made this as part of my BA Fine Art degree show work at Nottingham Trent University 2014.
My work is concerned with subjectivity (inner felt experience); materiality (the stuff in the room); and time (as process). I am fascinated by traditional labour-intensive craft processes that involve repetitive gestures of hand and body, requiring complete absorption in rhythmic processes, knowledge passed on through showing, an embodied knowing. I am seduced by the everyday erotics of materiality and the pleasures of touch, letting the materials speak for themselves and finding a reciprocal responsiveness, integrating movement and thought.
My work is about the essence of being human, the tenderness as well as the pain in relating, the scars that bring character, the folds that hide and reveal. It is about exploring the territory between the binary oppositions, the space of possibility between the impotent and the erect, between fluidity and solidity, the concave and the convex. It is about the importance of playing, even and especially when we are old, as it is through playing that we find our creativity and through creativity that we discover ourselves.
My work is about embodied relatedness and all the vitality affects that go with this – bursting out, holding in, opening up, closing down, swelling, shrinking, dissolving, resolving. It is about boding forth as an intentional entity in all its vulnerability and nakedness and shaping and being shaped by the encounter.
Bodying Forth (vide0), 2014